We are a software platform that emerged organically from Behind Every Door, a non profit in Dallas TX, who has been present in communities for over 10 years. Behind Every Door's vision is to walk with people into the fullness of who they were created to be, by running Community Centers and building relationships.
Myne's journey started in 2017, when Will Dowell and Fiona Hall built a simple FileMaker database to capture and report attendance data. Like many nonprofits we had been cobbling together multiple paper sign-in sheets and huge excel documents from different site locations, capturing data that was mainly only for our funders. Our basic model was functional, but when our Will had a revelation on a ski lift that he was willing to share data just to earn a badge, this was a tipping point for us on changing the non-profit relationship with data collection, and who it was for. We already believed that people were capable and powerful, so why weren't we putting people at the center of the process? We made the connection between action, agency and working with people for transformational impact. We searched for market solutions that were more than check-in software for organizations but were told it we should just make a digital version of our paper sheets.
But we knew there was more to it, and for two years, the software we built was called ‘Tipping Point’. Together with Will’s insight and our growing understanding of cognitive science, we realised we could use incentives to build transformation for the people we love and work alongside. We had seen that there is a tipping point in all our behaviours when we start to take ownership (agency) of the choices we make, and until that point, we can utilize the brain’s natural reward systems to give us those extra pushes to show up and keep going.
Another key tipping point was connecting with the Communities Foundation of Texas, who understood and believed in the early version we had made. With their help and financial backing, we became Myne: based on the principles of Ownership, Discovery and Community.
From there, we have been learning and growing from the organizations we work with, as well as partners and foundations. We are so grateful to have been funded by an incredible team Rising Tide Foundation, who believe that flourishing individuals with agency are a key part of how we are solving our biggest global issues.
We were also fortunate enough to meet a wonderful and passionate team at Fundacion Paraguaya who are working with people at the center to eliminate poverty globally. We are on a journey with them to make their tool more accessible to more people.
We look forward to continuing the journey with you,
The Myne Team